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Frame it or just let it hang! A perfect/ affordable way to obtain an Anthony R. Brass that will light up your space and intrigue your friends!


Reproduction on 100 lbs. paper.

10 3/4" x 10 3/4" 

(not exact size - size depicted above is rounded by .25" or less from actual size)


Community Mama was designed to deceive the eye. From a distance, it appears to be nothing more than a mass of fur. But as you step closer, the details emerge—a cluster of baby possums clinging tightly to their mother as she navigates the rugged terrain of their woodland home. Or is she their mother? Perhaps she’s simply gathering lost babies, abandoned by other mothers along the way. As the little ones hold on for dear life, one daring possum reaches out to sniff a passing butterfly, threatening the delicate balance of their journey. Will the butterfly land and disrupt the entire operation?

Community Mama

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